Friday, April 27, 2012

The Perfect Fit (I Knew What I Was Getting)

Tonight at church while we were singing the song "I Knew What I Was Getting" Into I noticed a couple holding each other and I noticed how well they fit together.  Immediately when I had that thought God spoke to me and said you fit perfectly in my arms. 

Beloved know that God loves you.  He treasures you and when He holds you, you fit perfectly in His arms!

I stay amazed at all God is showing me and revealing to me.  Even now as I type this I am overwhelmed by His love for me and what He spoke to me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh I love Misty Edwards. Have you seen this video:
    I feel like God is giving you a rose, and saying, "be refreshed, take it in, breathe in the sweetness, my daughter!"
