Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Freedom (I Asked You For Life)

I am sure you are beginning to notice that God tends to get my attention via a song.  I have a great love of music and normally have music going more than the television. 

This morning as I was getting ready for work a song was playing on my iPod called I Asked You For Life.  In this song there is a phrase that goes "I asked you for freedom, you broke every chain and you gave me the key."  I have heard this song numerous times but today that phrase stuck out to me more than at other times.

I began to realize how true this was in my own life.  Some of you, that have heard portions of my story know that God has delivered me from the chains of failure and rejection.  Two of the biggest areas that were keeping me from truly knowing who I was in Christ and understanding how greatly loved I was as well.  When God first starting dealing with me on rejection, thankfully He just did one thing at a time,  He gave the following scripture:  You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.  John 8:32

It was a long and sometimes painful process for this truth to sink in.  Many times I would yell, well more like scream this scripture out of my mouth as tears ran down my face but eventually I began to see the truth and not the lies the enemy had been feeding me most of my life.  I realized as I listened to this song I now hold the keys in both of these areas and when the enemy comes at me I just dangle the keys in his face and tell him to get lost no matter what the situation may look like.  God holds every situation and circumstance in His hands.  He is in control of everything and I just need to turn my cares upon Him.

Farther down in John 8 in verse 36 it goes on to say "who the son has set free is free indeed" and what glorious freedom it is!

Now I would be a bit remiss if I did not share the song with you so enjoy.  :)


  1. To have the awesome times of watching the growth within your spirit that has transformed you into the full daughter of the Most High is such a blessing. You honor the Lord everyday with your words and Love for all of us. Without one question from the times you open your eyes of any morning, it is very easy to understand how that the enemy is in fear of God in you. For he fails to understand just how much God loves you and how big that His plans for you that expands to all of our lives all over this planet, for once again the enemy is a failure and you become the winner. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the learning process that you have shown all of us of how the Word works in our lives.

  2. I love Kim Walker :) I had to learn to get past guilt and failure and accept God's love too <3
