Tuesday, April 17, 2012

God's Love

First let me just say how much I love my job.  Books and music are my two favorite loves outside of God.  I am reading a wonderful new manuscript called Pursued God's Obsession with Us.  Release in February 2013 and I highly recommend.  The book shows how the relationship between Hosea and Gomer illustrates God's love and obsession towards us.  To quote some of the book:
"Have you ever considered how you stir the emotions of God?  What He feels when he sees you?  He isn't so removed that He doesn't care.  Pause for a few moments and just imagine God smiling over you, rejoicing over you, celebrating you like a groom rejoices in his bride on their wedding day! Visualize God overflowing with compassion as he relates to you! Picture His love toward you knowing no bounds.  Think about Him jealously protecting you and providing for you.  See Him running towards you, pursuing you, welcoming your interaction with Him.  Don't resist it and make excuses about how your disqualified!  This love is anchored in God's worthiness more than your own.  Receive it and be rejuvenated by it in faith!
As you relate to God and surrender to Him, these are the kinds of emotions God has He feels towards you.  Let these images settle deep into your soul.  Stay a while.  Soak it in.  Breath.  Close your eyes.  You are loved beyond words."
Eph 3:17-19

Totally amazing analogy and totally true.  May you experience a new level of God's love for you as you go deep and closer to him.


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