Sunday, April 22, 2012

God's Love Continued (Furious)

Love seems to be the word for me.  I believe God is trying to show me how great and awesome His love his towards us.  Numerous times in the past week I have listened to the song Furious by Bethel Church.  I love the song but struggle with how God's love towards us can be furious.  This word has such negative connotations such as anger, wrath, and violence.  Then I started to consider the word.  God's word declares that He is jealous for us.  God desires to spend time with us to the extent that His great love for us burns with a passion for us as a groom does for a bride.

I have never experienced this type of love personnally but so desire to experience this with God.  I want Him to consume me.  I want to realize how deep, how wide, how long and high is His love for me.  I have listed the chorus to the song Furious below.  Read the words, ponder them, let them get deep inside of you so you too may experience His great love towards you.

His love is deep, His love is wide
And it covers us
His love is fierce, His love is strong
It's furious
His love is sweet, His love is wild
And it's waking hearts to life

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