Friday, June 23, 2017

Pastures Housefires

I love the group Housefires!  Their new cd is so amazing, loaded with songs that just make you draw closer to our wonderful God.  One of the songs on their new cd (yes I still refer to new music as a cd - I could really date myself and call it a record, ha!) is called Pastures.  The song, based on Psalm 23:2, talks about how God provides us a place of peace in Him.  When we dwell in Him we have found our home, our very being.  Isaiah declares that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and elsewhere in the Bible it says that Jesus gives us peace that passes all understanding.

Psalm 23:2  He makes me lie down in green pastures.  He leads me beside quiet waters.

Someone I know once made the observation that quiet waters are in the valley and not on top of the mountain.  If that is the case then when we are in our low places, when we are going through a trial or storm then we can also find our place of peace in an intimate relationship with Jesus.

If you are like me we love to find all of the promises in God's word and stand on those amazing promises.  Do you know that John 16:33 promises us that in this world we will experience trials and tribulations?  Do you also know that Jesus said in this verse to take heart because He has overcome the world?

I know any trial or storm is never easy and I know our flesh can rise up and want to have its way but instead of grumbling, instead of complaining, instead of giving worry a voice begin to thank God instead.  Ask Jesus who He wants to be for you in this situation.  He will always provide an answer.

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect) peace.  In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous (be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy); I have overcome the world. (My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.)  John 16:33 AMP.

As you listen to this song take a minute to close your eyes.  Allow the lyrics to speak to you.  Allow Jesus to fill you with His perfect peace, then ask Jesus, Father God, and Holy Spirit to give you a picture of the you together with all three of them.  Many times he will lead you to a pasture like setting but whatever He shows you it will be a special place for you and Him together.


You give me peace that surpasses all my understanding
and love that is deeper than all I know

You lay me down in the greenest of pastures
I am found by the one my heart was after

Where else can I go
In You I am home

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