Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Clean Natalie Grant

Do you every hear a song that just makes you become undone?  Clean by Natalie Grant is that song for me.  When I begin to waver and see myself as less than how God sees me this is a great go to song.  The lyrics in this song remind me that I may see myself as a mess, I may see myself as unworthy but that is not how God sees us.  He sees us as beautiful, whole, completely worthy, acceptable, chosen, clean!!!

Take a moment to listen to this beautiful moving song.  You may need a few tissues on hand while you listen and just allow God's love and truth of who you are wash over you!

I love the part that says "I'm coming alive with joy and destiny, cause You're restoring me piece by piece."  I know the process can be unpleasant but there is growth and maturity in the process.  Stop focusing on the why and what and just focus on Him.  Learn to draw close to Him and as you grow in your relationship with our loving Lord, He will begin to reveal His heart for you.  He will reveal His plans and purposes for you.  May we all learn how to just be.  After all we are human "beings" and not human doers!!!

Love and blessings

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