Friday, April 28, 2017

You Define Me

I have been listening to Kim Walker Smith's new cd On My Side.  I love all of the songs but one in particular has really been resonating with me.  The song is called You Define Me.  It makes me sad to realize that so many do not have a really understand how God sees them (how He defines them)

I have always known I am loved by God but because I have experienced life so many outside factors have defined me.  I have developed and become what the world and my circumstances have defined me.  I have become failure, I have become rejected, I have become unloved, and unwanted but that is NOT who God says I am.  That is not who He created me to be and that is not the good thoughts He is always thinking towards me.

For years now I have helped with a ministry called Sozo.  Sozo is a Greek word that is defined as healed, saved, and delivered.  It is a ministry to heal body, soul, and spirit.  Through this ministry the person receiving inner healing lets go of the lies that have been spoken over them.  The person receiving the ministry breaks ties with the wrong thoughts (lies) and we pray that the voice of the lie becomes unfamiliar to them.  At the same time the person seeks God for the truth.  The truth of who God says they are.  The truth of how God sees them.  The truth of how He defines them.  The person not only seeks God for the truth but also asks God to show them a picture of them together.  Most of the time when the person leaves they have a totally different countenance on them when they leave then when they came in.  They are set free from the lies that have bound them for so long and are beginning to walk in the truth.  The individual also has seen themselves with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Even though God is three in one He has three distinct aspects and it is so amazing to see how each of them interacts with you.

So take a moment as you listen to this song to ask God how He sees you.  How does He define you?  What lies have you been believing about yourself?  What lies have you believed about Him?  Then ask Him for the truth to replace those lies.  God is so good to speak to each and every one of His children.  He is so good to show them a picture of them together.  If you are not comfortable asking God the Father, then ask Jesus to show you a picture of the two of you together and then ask Him to take you to the Father!!!  He loves showing you the Father and they both love showing you the Holy Spirit.

Know that God thinks about you a lot!!!  Psalm 139:17-18 says that He thinks about us every day and His thoughts toward us outnumber the grains of sand on every seashore.  That is a lot of thoughts!!!

Eph 3:18-19 in TPT describes God's love for us as follows:

Then, as your spiritual strength increases, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences - the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all it's dimensions.  How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His Love!  How enduring and inclusive it is!  Endless love beyond measurement, beyond academic knowledge - this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God.  Eph 3:18-19

Remember that God is always about the one.  You are the one!!!  When Jesus walked the earth He went out of his way for the one all the time.  Consider this, when Jesus and the disciples crossed the sea of Galilee they were met by a man who was demon possessed that could not be chained or dressed.  Jesus crossed the water to set that man free and to allow him to be in his right mind.  Think about it, he got back in the boat after that event and went back to the other side.  I wish I could take credit for this insight but I actually read about it in a book called Draw Near by John Bevere.

Below are the lyrics to the song!  Read them if you want or just go to the bottom and click on the video.  Close your eyes, focus on Jesus and allow Him to fill you full of His truth about you are. Allow Him to tell you how He defines you.  Ask Him to show you a picture of the two of you together and then write down what He says and shows you.  Meditate on the truths He gives you until they are firmly rooted within you leaving no room for the lies.  Blessing!

You Define Me"

No whisper can accuse
No rumor can undo
The words You speak over me
No lie can ever break
No shame can ever steal
The words You speak over me
You're speaking over me!

Only Your words, define me
You tell me who I am
Only Your love, can hold me
You make me who I am
You define me
You define me

The author of my days
You're writing every page
With blood and scars
You heal my heart
Oh, You heal my heart!

Only Your words, define me
You tell me who I am
Only Your love, can hold me
You make me who I am
You define me
You define me

No fear, can hold me hostage
No lie, can keep me bound
My God has the final word
My God has the final word
No fear, can hold me hostage
No lie, can keep me bound
My God has the final word
My God has the final word!

Only Your words, define me
You tell me who I am
Only Your love, can hold me
You make me who I am, oh!...
Only Your words, define me
You tell me who I am
Only Your love, can hold me
You make me who I am

You define me
You define me, yes
You define me
You define me
You define me

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