Sunday, June 25, 2017

Trust in You

Do you ever have a-ha moments?  I had one this morning and it was so simple but so profound. Recently I have felt God directing me to become more faithful to writing this blog but I continually doubt my ability to make this happen.  Despite the positive feedback some of you have given me I doubt I have what it takes to be a good writer, to adequately convey all the God is doing in me and through me.

Well this morning God got all in the middle of me worrying about my ability and He reminded me to just trust Him.  He took me to 2 Peter where He tells us that He has given us everything we need and then He took me to Moses.  Moses was given the great opportunity to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt and introduce them to the presence of God, and they did not want it!  In fact after continually trying to introduce the millions of people he lead out of Egypt to the wonderful and glorious presence of God he was really only able to affect 2 people that we are aware of; Joshua and Caleb.

In today's standards that is not much of a success but think about how Moses affected these two men. They were the only two of the original Israelite's that crossed over into the promised land and they did so with the presence of God going with them.  Joshua was chosen to lead them into this wonderful promise and I know he must have been a little overwhelmed by the responsibility because God had to remind him at least 7 times to not be afraid (I know I counted them one time).

Whatever God is leading you to do, stop trying to lean on your own ability and talents and just trust Him.  He has given you all things that you need to accomplish what He desires you to do.  Don't focus on the how or what just focus on Him.  Allow Jesus to lead and guide you, allow Him to direct every step you take down the path that He leads you down and then know God is with you every step of the way.  Maybe you will reach millions, maybe you will only reach 2.  No matter the number be faithful to do all that God has laid on your heart and enjoy every moment you spend with Him and getting to know Him more and more.

For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.  2 Peter 1:3 AMP

As always, when God speaks to me He provides me a song that drives home the truth that He is showing me.  God speaks each of our love languages amazingly well, maybe because He knows us so well.  Take time to allow Him to speak to you in your love language.  Be blessed today and draw close to God.

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