Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chasing You

I'm chasing you, I'm so in love, captivated, I just can't get enough.  I'll spend my days, running after your heart, your heart, your heart.  Whoa!

Do we spend our days running after God's heart?  Do you know He longs to be in an intimate relationship with each and everyone of us?  Eden was created as a place where man could dwell with God and fellowship with Him.  Take a few minutes each day and begin to chase after God.  I know from experience as we begin to take steps to pursue Him, he takes a huge step towards us.  I am so thankful He is able to draw nearing to me as I draw near to Him.  Sometimes I see Him so extremely close I can lean in and kiss His face.  If you have never seen God's face ask Him to show it to you.  It is such a beautiful and glorious face.  His eyes are so full of love towards everyone of us.

James 4:8 TPT -  Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to You.

Other translations read, draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Today take time to draw near to God, pursue Him, chase after Him.  You will experience such joy and freedom, it is completely amazing!!  Don't be afraid when He reveals Himself to you.  I know the first time I saw the face of Jesus it was inches from my face.  I jumped back at first and then leaned in and just beheld His beauty. It is the face of the one I love!!!

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