Friday, May 18, 2012

Great Name

This week has been a long frustrating week.  I have allowed my focus to shift from the face of the one I love to my circumstances as a Peter did I started to sink.  My emotions became involved and I started to believe nothing would ever change.  I began to listen to the lies of the enemy regarding my life instead of standing on the Word of God.  Thankfully God helped me realize that I was not alone in the battle I had brothers and sisters in Christ who would stand with me and believe with me.  When we prayed together, not just for my issues but theirs as well there was a change in the atmosphere.  God said it is going to be all right. This morning He reminded me He is Johovah Shammah, the abiding presence.  He is abiding within me and He is greater than my circumstances.  Through Him I will gain the victory, in fact Ps 108:13 states that with God we will gain the victory and he will trample down our enemies.  I love how the Message bible relates this scripture the best:  Give us help for the hard tasks, human help is worthless.  In God we'll do our very best He'll flatten the opposition for good.  Does that not just encourage you? 

There is a song that used to be sung in the church ages ago and one of the lines in the song stated "let God arise and His enemies be scattered."  One day I heard this song sung a different way instead of the enemy being scattered, it was splattered.  Today do not give a place in your life to the enemy, do not believe His lies.  Stand on the promises of God's word because His word works even if you do not see it working at the time.  Allow God to come into your circumstances and totally annihilate the situation.

Today's song is Your Great Name.  There are so many wonderful lines through out this song reminding us that God's name is great.  Through His name the enemy must flee, the dead are raised and the sick made whole.  He is the great I Am - now I think I will share both songs as they are both great faith building songs.



  1. Thank you for the reminders, His grace and mercy covers all of us in many ways if we allow it. Your enrichment of the Love of God in your own life has already establish your inter heart's ways, and you allow them to grow. In many ways you have already over come so much of life's difficultlies and you are the true winner of His grace. Thank you for being you and allowing Him to love you and your light shines out to all of us.

  2. I just heard that song by Natalie Grant! I LOVE it. It's so true, and we realize how much Power and Freedom is in Jesus' name. I especially love the acoustic version!
