Friday, May 4, 2012

Healing and Wholeness

I just finished listening to one of the most amazing messages.  I strongly encourage each of you to either go the Bethel Church's website or iTunes in the podcasts and listen to Kris Vallotton's message on Healing and Wholeness.  It will totally bless you!

Recap of what you will hear:  There are 27 healing miracles that Jesus performed, for most He spoke a word but when He did not He did so for a reason.  In the case of the blind man when he spit and put the mud on his eyes Jesus took what had cursed the man to heal him.  When Jesus heals He wants to heal you body, soul, and spirit or the whole man.

When Kris went on to talk about wholeness, the message took on a whole other dimension.  Our soul has needs and that is okay.  We need love, attention, relationships, etc.  We need to know that someone celebrates our life, or as he puts it will be at our funeral.  Jesus loves all of you, He does not just love your spirit He loves you body, soul, and spirit.  He loves your whole being!

I am praying each of you will have the time to listen to this message and that it will bless you as much as it did me.  Lastly celebrate someones life today, let them know how much they are loved and appreciated. 

I will start: I love and appreciate all of you! I thank you for the kind and encouraging words you have sent my way via email.  It was hard for me to start this blog but I am so thankful that this has been a blessing and encouragement to all of you.

Sorry no music today but never know when I'll get another song to share with you.  :)



  1. Thank you Stephanie for a heart that is going after God in such large ways that you are willing to include all of us in the journey. For it is with your heart of Love, compassion, delights in Him that we are so blessed with to read and to watch how God and you have this amazing relationship together.

  2. Thank you for the fully developing attitude that you have establish in Him to help show all of us a pure heart of Love for Him.

  3. This podcast totally changed my life. For the first time in a long time, I chose to accept my value, which brought so much release! Now I will be a BSSM first-year student and get to thank him for his message, hopefully!

    1. I wish you all the best as you start the BSSM. There is a young lady from my church that is heading to Bethel in the next week or two to attend the school of prophecy. The church I attend is associated with Bethel and is amazing, but I could be biased. :)
      You can check out the website if you want:
