Sunday, October 21, 2012

Your My Everything

I would like to take a moment to just brag on what a wonderful worship team we have at my church.  They are all so gifted, talented, and anointed by God to lead us into some amazing worship.  Worship that ushers in the very presence of God in our midst.  Even at worship practice, which I am so blessed to be a part of, you can feel God's presence is there with us.

The reason I wanted to take a moment and give them a shout out is because without them, without God directing me to that church this blog never would have begun.  I was in such a dry place before coming to Revolution church.  I loved God and I heard from God but I did not realize how close and intimate I could be with Him.

It is thanks to our worship team at Revolution Church that I learned the song Your My Everything by Pocket Full of Rocks. It was during this song that God got a hold of me in the midst of worship and asked "am I really your everything"?  The question surprised and saddened me.  I had felt up to that point God was my everything but He began showing me areas of my life where He was not my everything.  I began a journey, of which I am still on, of learning to let go of the reigns of control, learning to trust God with the promises and truths He has spoken over my life, and learning to not let fear control me.

There is one word that sums up the above so nicely:  Trust!  I needed to learn to trust God more, to know His word was true and that He is able to perform it.  I am in the process of learning that when God speaks something to me or about me I can be quick to rise up in my negative nature and remind Him of what I am not.  Graham Cooke has some great advice on this matter.  Take a piece of paper and write down every negative thought you have about yourself, then on another piece of paper ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the opposite of every negative word you have written.  Take the first paper with the negative and burn in!  Begin dwelling on the positive and allow God to speak His word and truth to you regarding every positive until it gets deep within you.  That is how God sees us.  Makes me want to shout! (This comes from Grahams message on Discovering Your True Identity).

For God to be my everything I need to stop dwelling on all that I am not and dwell on all that He is.  God is powerful, true to His word, loving, kind, and a restorer of things the enemy has stolen.  The list could go on and on because God truly is your everything.  We just need to allow Him to become our everything to us.  We need to learn to trust Him with every area of our life even the hidden painful parts.  NOTHING (and I cannot stress that enough) can separate us from God's love.  His every desire is for us and to develop a close and intimate relationship with us. There is nothing that is too big or difficult for God to handle. 

Take a moment to listen to this song, open your heart to God, and allow Him to become your everything.


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