Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chains Hit the Ground

This has been an extremely trying week with many tests and trials.  Wish I could say I passed each of the tests with flying colors.  This morning before starting on the blog God led me to Isa 41.  In verse 8 and 9 it talks about how God has chosen us and not rejected us.  We are not to fear because He is with us and takes hold of us with His righteous right hand.  The next couple of verses is what really excited me today. 
  • All who rage against us will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.  Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them.  Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.
I have battled many enemies this week.  I know physically they may have a name and a face but that is not truly who I am battling.  I am battling the rulers, authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Eph 6

Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for work I believe God spoke two words to me.  The first was break every chain and later He spoke the word rise up.  Again I wish I could say I was a mighty warrior who rose to the occasion and bravely fought the enemy and remembered who I was in Christ.  Sadly yesterday was one of the toughest days and I realized at the end of the day I had allowed old mindsets to filter how I viewed myself and reacted to different situations.  You would have thought the enemy would have learned by now that I am onto him and those situations just send me to the one I love.  The one who brings me higher than the situation around me, the one who heals me physically, spiritually, mentally. Tears of frustration and discouragement may be shed but joy comes and I will laugh!  If you cannot tell, I am a determined woman who desires to become all that God created me to be.

Become determined to be all God created you to be.  Know that He will rise you up.  God has put His power and authority in all of us.  May we have a deeper revelation of that power and authority so we can enter any place and claim it for God's glory.  Allow God to break the chains off of you, regardless of what those chains are.  I think some of the biggest chains that bind us are wrong thinking.  May we start to dwell on who God says we are and not what our past or others may have said about us.  Let us shake off the dead dog and lowly worm mentality and become the head that God has created us to be.

This morning as I was getting on Spotify I came across the song I believe goes with this blog.  As you listen to this song just close your eyes and envision the chains hitting the ground and complete freedom in Him.  Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Good words Stephanie! The one part reminds me of a beloved scripture:

    ....Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

    Love it and love you!

    Stacy Gross
