Sunday, October 28, 2012

Secure (Impossible Tricia Brock)

This weekend the ladies from my church and some not from the church gathered together to encounter God.  The night before leaving for this encounter God gave me a word to share with each of you on Your Beautiful Purpose.  The theme this weekend was exactly the same, discovering your purpose and identity and stepping into that.  From the first night I was in awe that God would give me a similar message to those of some amazing other women.

At one point in the weekend each woman was asked to stand up and state a dream that God had given her.
Now for most of this year God has been revealing to me His plans for me so I knew what I needed to say when my time came.  Shortly after this declaration I came under attack.  I kept hearing the words "who do you think you are to do that?"  What had been relatively easy to believe and declare in the privacy of my home became a weapon of attack from the enemy.  That night during worship when I was still struggling with these thoughts God got ahold of me and lovingly reminded me who I was and that yes His plans are bigger than me but they are not too big for Him.

Later that night as I was praying and contemplating on who God says that I am He gave me a word.  The word is "secure."  God says that I am secure in knowing who He says that I am and the plans He has for me.  I had never thought of being secure in all that God has been revealing to me.  I know that He is God and what He says will come to pass but the word secure was never thought of.

When I came home I looked up the meaning of secure as was completely blown away (God can do that to you).  Here are some of the definitions: 
  • Free from danger or attack - secure fortress.  Psalm 91:2 states God is my refuge and fortress.
  • Free from fear, anxiety, or doubt - 2 Tim 1:7 and Phil 4:6
  • Not likely to fail or give away - stable (we can be the rock in the midst of the storm)
  • Firmly fastened (just hold on to God and don't let go)
  • Reliable, dependable, assured, certain
I also took this a step further and looked up the Hebrew word for secure.  That word is Batach and here are some of the definitions for this word.
  • To trust, trust in
  • To have confidence, be confident
  • to be bold
  • to be secure
  • to be safe
Two of the words I have been declaring over myself since God starting revealing His plans for me are confidence and boldness.  So when God said I am secure in Him, I believe He is also saying I am bold and confident.

 Why is so easy for each of us to believe the negative yet when God speaks something so wonderful to us we are slow in believing?  Why do we worry about what others think, especially about what God is saying to us?  Today I will boldly declare to you that God has called me to be an armour bearer, He has called me to proclaim the good news of freedom to the captives and to bring them out of the land of captivity into a land of freedom.  A land that is flowing with milk and honey.  Do I know how each of these things will come to pass?  Do I know when I will step fully into these identities?  No!  But I do know that God has spoken this to me and I will stand firm and secure in knowing who I am in God.  Others may not see me the same but as long as God sees me this way I will see myself this way.

 I want to personally thank each of you for taking the time to read this blog and for your wonderful words of encouragement.  I am praying and believing that my openness is helping to bring each of you into a wonderfully more intimate relationship with the one who knows and loves you.  Be secure in all that He is revealing to you and rest in Him until He brings it to pass!

 I found this on Facebook on the Whosoevers page and thought it would bless and encourage you.
  •  "I can feel you all around me.  Thickening the air I'm breathing.  Holding on to what I'm feeling.  Savoring this heart that's healing.
 Last what would this blog be without a song!  This song is called Impossible by Tricia Brock.  I love it because it declares that nothing is impossible for God!

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