Sunday, October 28, 2012

Secure (Impossible Tricia Brock)

This weekend the ladies from my church and some not from the church gathered together to encounter God.  The night before leaving for this encounter God gave me a word to share with each of you on Your Beautiful Purpose.  The theme this weekend was exactly the same, discovering your purpose and identity and stepping into that.  From the first night I was in awe that God would give me a similar message to those of some amazing other women.

At one point in the weekend each woman was asked to stand up and state a dream that God had given her.
Now for most of this year God has been revealing to me His plans for me so I knew what I needed to say when my time came.  Shortly after this declaration I came under attack.  I kept hearing the words "who do you think you are to do that?"  What had been relatively easy to believe and declare in the privacy of my home became a weapon of attack from the enemy.  That night during worship when I was still struggling with these thoughts God got ahold of me and lovingly reminded me who I was and that yes His plans are bigger than me but they are not too big for Him.

Later that night as I was praying and contemplating on who God says that I am He gave me a word.  The word is "secure."  God says that I am secure in knowing who He says that I am and the plans He has for me.  I had never thought of being secure in all that God has been revealing to me.  I know that He is God and what He says will come to pass but the word secure was never thought of.

When I came home I looked up the meaning of secure as was completely blown away (God can do that to you).  Here are some of the definitions: 
  • Free from danger or attack - secure fortress.  Psalm 91:2 states God is my refuge and fortress.
  • Free from fear, anxiety, or doubt - 2 Tim 1:7 and Phil 4:6
  • Not likely to fail or give away - stable (we can be the rock in the midst of the storm)
  • Firmly fastened (just hold on to God and don't let go)
  • Reliable, dependable, assured, certain
I also took this a step further and looked up the Hebrew word for secure.  That word is Batach and here are some of the definitions for this word.
  • To trust, trust in
  • To have confidence, be confident
  • to be bold
  • to be secure
  • to be safe
Two of the words I have been declaring over myself since God starting revealing His plans for me are confidence and boldness.  So when God said I am secure in Him, I believe He is also saying I am bold and confident.

 Why is so easy for each of us to believe the negative yet when God speaks something so wonderful to us we are slow in believing?  Why do we worry about what others think, especially about what God is saying to us?  Today I will boldly declare to you that God has called me to be an armour bearer, He has called me to proclaim the good news of freedom to the captives and to bring them out of the land of captivity into a land of freedom.  A land that is flowing with milk and honey.  Do I know how each of these things will come to pass?  Do I know when I will step fully into these identities?  No!  But I do know that God has spoken this to me and I will stand firm and secure in knowing who I am in God.  Others may not see me the same but as long as God sees me this way I will see myself this way.

 I want to personally thank each of you for taking the time to read this blog and for your wonderful words of encouragement.  I am praying and believing that my openness is helping to bring each of you into a wonderfully more intimate relationship with the one who knows and loves you.  Be secure in all that He is revealing to you and rest in Him until He brings it to pass!

 I found this on Facebook on the Whosoevers page and thought it would bless and encourage you.
  •  "I can feel you all around me.  Thickening the air I'm breathing.  Holding on to what I'm feeling.  Savoring this heart that's healing.
 Last what would this blog be without a song!  This song is called Impossible by Tricia Brock.  I love it because it declares that nothing is impossible for God!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Your Beautiful Purpose (I Am Yours Misty Edwards)

Jeremiah 29:11 states that God has plans for each of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us to give us a hope and a future.

Psalm 139:13-17 (message bible) You shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb.  I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration - what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.  Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day!

Do you not get excited reading the above words?  This is so amazing.  God knew us before our parents came together and before they even knew they wanted a baby.  He took the time to put together a beautiful plan and purpose for each and every one of us (all the days of my life were written in God's book before the day I was born).

No matter what we have believed or thought about ourselves, we are not here by accident.  We were not a mistake our parents made one night because they forgot to use some sort of birth control.  If you have been reading my blogs long enough you will know that for most of my life I questioned my purpose here on this earth.  I felt very worthless and purposeless because I did not posses natural gifts and talents.  I had a failure mentality. 

Thankfully God turned that all around.  When I began spending time with Him he began to show me my beautiful purpose.  It is somewhat overwhelming because what He is showing me is way outside the realm of my ability or talent but the awesome thing is it doesn't matter.  I will step into my inheritance and identity because of the great God that I serve and He is more than able!  There is a verse in the bible that states we can do all things through Christ because He strengthens us. I believe it is the King James version that states we can do all things through Christ because He EMPOWERS us!  Isn't that wonderful!  God gives us the power to walk out His Beautiful Purpose for us.  Think back to all those people in the bible who God had a beautiful purpose for.  Each of them rose up in their negativity and God just looked at them smiled and they stepped into their divine destiny and purpose.  That is because despite their doubts in their abilities they knew the God they served was more than able to work through them.

If God's plan for our lives is something we can do in our own power and ability then we will try to take the credit but if that plan is bigger than us God will receive all the credit and all the glory.   So begin today to seek God just for who He is and as you fellowship with the most amazing, beautiful, and loving God He will turn His face towards you smile at you and begin to reveal His beautiful purpose for you.

God has made each of us unique so don't get discouraged if your beautiful plan does not look like someone elses.  Lance Wallnau said it so wonderfully:  "Be Bold! Be Original! You'll never find your voice trying to fit in somebody else's chorus."

As God reveals His beautiful purpose for your life begin to declare that identity.  Don't allow worry, fear, doubt, and unbelief to keep you from your beautiful purpose.

The song for this blog is a beautiful worship song that I feel God chose for this.  When we declare that we are God's He begins to lavish His love and plans upon us.

God's peace and joy I give to you, guard it and seek it above all else. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Your My Everything

I would like to take a moment to just brag on what a wonderful worship team we have at my church.  They are all so gifted, talented, and anointed by God to lead us into some amazing worship.  Worship that ushers in the very presence of God in our midst.  Even at worship practice, which I am so blessed to be a part of, you can feel God's presence is there with us.

The reason I wanted to take a moment and give them a shout out is because without them, without God directing me to that church this blog never would have begun.  I was in such a dry place before coming to Revolution church.  I loved God and I heard from God but I did not realize how close and intimate I could be with Him.

It is thanks to our worship team at Revolution Church that I learned the song Your My Everything by Pocket Full of Rocks. It was during this song that God got a hold of me in the midst of worship and asked "am I really your everything"?  The question surprised and saddened me.  I had felt up to that point God was my everything but He began showing me areas of my life where He was not my everything.  I began a journey, of which I am still on, of learning to let go of the reigns of control, learning to trust God with the promises and truths He has spoken over my life, and learning to not let fear control me.

There is one word that sums up the above so nicely:  Trust!  I needed to learn to trust God more, to know His word was true and that He is able to perform it.  I am in the process of learning that when God speaks something to me or about me I can be quick to rise up in my negative nature and remind Him of what I am not.  Graham Cooke has some great advice on this matter.  Take a piece of paper and write down every negative thought you have about yourself, then on another piece of paper ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the opposite of every negative word you have written.  Take the first paper with the negative and burn in!  Begin dwelling on the positive and allow God to speak His word and truth to you regarding every positive until it gets deep within you.  That is how God sees us.  Makes me want to shout! (This comes from Grahams message on Discovering Your True Identity).

For God to be my everything I need to stop dwelling on all that I am not and dwell on all that He is.  God is powerful, true to His word, loving, kind, and a restorer of things the enemy has stolen.  The list could go on and on because God truly is your everything.  We just need to allow Him to become our everything to us.  We need to learn to trust Him with every area of our life even the hidden painful parts.  NOTHING (and I cannot stress that enough) can separate us from God's love.  His every desire is for us and to develop a close and intimate relationship with us. There is nothing that is too big or difficult for God to handle. 

Take a moment to listen to this song, open your heart to God, and allow Him to become your everything.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chains Hit the Ground

This has been an extremely trying week with many tests and trials.  Wish I could say I passed each of the tests with flying colors.  This morning before starting on the blog God led me to Isa 41.  In verse 8 and 9 it talks about how God has chosen us and not rejected us.  We are not to fear because He is with us and takes hold of us with His righteous right hand.  The next couple of verses is what really excited me today. 
  • All who rage against us will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.  Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them.  Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.
I have battled many enemies this week.  I know physically they may have a name and a face but that is not truly who I am battling.  I am battling the rulers, authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Eph 6

Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for work I believe God spoke two words to me.  The first was break every chain and later He spoke the word rise up.  Again I wish I could say I was a mighty warrior who rose to the occasion and bravely fought the enemy and remembered who I was in Christ.  Sadly yesterday was one of the toughest days and I realized at the end of the day I had allowed old mindsets to filter how I viewed myself and reacted to different situations.  You would have thought the enemy would have learned by now that I am onto him and those situations just send me to the one I love.  The one who brings me higher than the situation around me, the one who heals me physically, spiritually, mentally. Tears of frustration and discouragement may be shed but joy comes and I will laugh!  If you cannot tell, I am a determined woman who desires to become all that God created me to be.

Become determined to be all God created you to be.  Know that He will rise you up.  God has put His power and authority in all of us.  May we have a deeper revelation of that power and authority so we can enter any place and claim it for God's glory.  Allow God to break the chains off of you, regardless of what those chains are.  I think some of the biggest chains that bind us are wrong thinking.  May we start to dwell on who God says we are and not what our past or others may have said about us.  Let us shake off the dead dog and lowly worm mentality and become the head that God has created us to be.

This morning as I was getting on Spotify I came across the song I believe goes with this blog.  As you listen to this song just close your eyes and envision the chains hitting the ground and complete freedom in Him.  Blessings!