Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Not Ashamed - Free Chapel

Today as I was cleaning and praying I was reminded that this blog was birthed from a book and not a song.
As I was reading Francis Chan's book Crazy Love it hit me that we celebrate many forms of love.  We celebrate love between a man and women, married and dating .   We celebrate the love between a parent and child.   We even have cards now that celebrate the love between an owner and their pet.   But how often do we celebrate the love between us and God?  Yes I know we have two holiday's; Christmas and Easter, but God's love is bigger than this.  I think every day we wake up we should celebrate God's love for us. 

As I was listening to the song by Free Chapel today called I'm Not Ashamed I thought the words were awesome.  We should dance and sing to God as if no one is watching!  We should praise him and pour out our love for Him with such extravagance!  We tend to give God our left overs and while He is satisfied with this His desire is for our first fruits.  When you wake up each morning before you get out of bed tell God you love Him.  In fact don't even wait for tomorrow morning tell Him you love him right now!  Just three little words I Love You!  Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by my love for God these words do not feel adequate.  I want to just wrap my arms around Him and never let go. 

Now that you have danced and sang like no one is watching and have poured out your love for God onto Him.  Start pouring out your love for God on others, especially those in the family of God.


  1. Great blog Stephanie! I always love to see them in my email inbox. God bless your obedience and great love for Him :)

    Stacy Gross

  2. I LOVED this book :) Because of it my walk with God became so much closer and my fruit became so much more abundant!!!

  3. Great post Stephanie :) Keep em coming!

