Saturday, July 28, 2012

Abide (Shekinah)

The time is coming when watchmen will call out from the hilltops of Epraim: on your feet! Let's go to Zion, go to meet our God. Jer 31:6

One of the responsibilities God has requested of me is to be His watchman.  I love standing in the gap for those He has called me to serve,as the watchmen did while the workers were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but there is more to this responsibility then just protecting the workers as Jeremiah states the watchmen are to also to lead the way for people to meet with God.

In my own walk I am  learning to become more intimate with God.  I love it when He speaks to me and shows me who I am and the plans He has for me.  I love to sit in His presence and just feel Him.  Recently at church during a time of worship we experienced more of His presence then ever before and as great as that was I still desire more and more of Him.  I want to walk in the continual power and glory that only His Holy Spirit can provide.  Dear ones don't you just want what Moses experienced on the mountain top, to radiate His glory so much that those around us are affected?  I know I do.

The first step towards intimacy with God is learning to abide with Him.  Awhile back I learned that to worship is to abide.  When we worship God He comes to dwell among us and to abide with us.  When you look at the definition to abide in the dictionary you will see that you can sojourn or you can dwell.  To sojourn is a temporary stay while to dwell is to take up permanent residence.  Which would you have?  Would you temporarily stay with Him and only worship Him once a week at church or would you take up permanent residence with Him and worship Him continually?

Worship is not always about the music but about the attitude of the heart.  Below is what God gave me awhile back when He first began to speak the word abide to me.

We must learn to honor God with more than our mouths (give Him lip service).  We need to learn to permanently dwell with Him to await in eager expectations for Him to come and dwell with us as He did with Adam and Eve in the garden.  Worship is more than music, although music is a good conduit of worship we must learn to give our hearts fully to God.  To dwell with Him until our faces radiate His glory.

Which would you have?  Would you continue to temporarily stay in His presence or will you take up permanent residence?  The choice for me is not a hard one, I want more and more of God.  He is so good and until I typed the last part of this I realized last night He gave me the desire of my heart.  He came and walked among us as He did with Adam and Eve in the garden and it was so glorious.

When I first began this blog over a week ago I went one way with this but as I prayed and typed this is what God brought to me.  I believe the song that I have chosen speaks to what God is doing in our midst individually and corporatly at church.  I am praying that this will become your hearts desire.  If you just take that first step towards Him, give Him the little time that you have and He will muliple it greatly.


  1. This is EXACTLY what God has been teaching me...he put it on my heart last night, especially. I was watching this video, an interview with Heidi Baker:
    These are lyrics that I wrote last night:
    When I rest in your presence, I know peace, holy peace
    When I drink of your spirit, I'm released, yeah I'm released
    When I abide and do not strive
    I collide with my King's heart
    When I abide and do not strive
    I'm satisfied in who you are

    A few months ago, someone told me, "It's by rest that His Presence flows out of you and changes things. You can't change anything." It was so liberating just to know that I didn't have to strive.

    1. I love the lyrics to your song. It is very liberating to know we do not have to strive and we can just rest in Him. I love the quote as well, it is so true.
