Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I know you will be shocked to hear from me twice in one week especially two days in a row.   Last week I was introduced to this wonderful worship song called Pursuit.  Every time I listen to this song I get the same urge to share this with everyone.  The song is totally about pursuing the presence of God.  This song resonates with me because I love God's presence and I desire to continually dwell with Him and to have His presence around and on me at all times.

As stated in my Abide blog we need to continually dwell with God and not just visit Him occasionally.  May this song bless you greatly and cause you to desire more of God and more of God's presence in your life.

Thanks for sharing Joanna.  Great news, two days after you shared I discovered our worship team at church is going to start learning this song!  All my Revolution readers get prepared, we are going to experience more of God in our services!!!  Yahoo!!!


  1. Are you referring to me, the BSSM Joanna? If you are, it is so my pleasure to share! I am happy you will be singing it :) I am learning it on piano. I got a prophetic word from a second-year student that Jesus just gets so excited when I spend time with Him! He wants to show off and come invite His Bride to the banquet...especially those who don't feel they deserve it <3 He is the most romantic pursuer of all time and eternity!

    1. Yep you are the Joanna! Wish you the best learning it on the piano.
