Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Anchor - Bethel

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where fear seems to be your constant companion?  Even though you know God is in control and you are trying to walk in faith it just seems fear will not leave you alone.  I am in a situation like that myself right now.  Over a month ago my job was eliminated.  I was called into an office and basically told thanks for the memories but we no longer need you.  The news was completely unexpected and devastated me.

I have declared God's word out of my mouth and peace has come but fear will not leave me alone.  Fear says what are you going to do?  When will I get a new job?  There is nothing out there and no one wants you.  Personally I am ready to get rid of the fear completely.   

One would think to completely get rid of fear I would need a job, then all my problems would be solved but I believe God wants me to get rid of this fear in the midst of the storm.  As I was beginning my day I heard two things that encouraged me.  First I heard the following scripture from the Passion Translation:  

The very moment I call to You for a Father's help the tide of battle turns and my enemies flee!  This one thing I know:  God is on my side!  I trust in the Lord and I praise Him!  I trust in the Word of God and I praise Him!  Psalm 56:9-10

Just let that soak in for a minute:  the very moment I cried out to God for His help in this situation the situation changed.  He took control and began to work on this situation and the fear did leave and continues to leave every time I turn the situation over to God.  Now consider this, God is on my side!  He is good all the time.  He will never leave me without and never leave me forsaken.  If God is for me who can be against me.  

So even though I would love to see something occurring in the natural I can trust God that He is making a way when there appears to be no way.

The second thing I heard is the song the Anchor by Bethel.  The words jumped out at me in a new way this morning because it talks about letting go but holding on as well.  Whenever I think of letting go I get the Nestle Plunge feel that I am falling back into nothingness but as I prayed and sought God on this I believe He showed me that we need to let go of the wrong thing, like fear, and grab ahold of the right thing, like faith.

As we walk out lives journey and whatever comes our way let us never lose hope in God and His goodness.  Even though the answers may not come when we want them to He is never late.  Please take a moment to read the lyrics to Anchor and let them wash over you.  Listen to the song, begin to let go of worry, fear, doubt, unbelief and grab hold of faith, hope, trust, and all the goodness of God.  When the enemy begins to attach just begin to praise God in the midst of the storm because He is the anchor that will hold you in place until the peace and calm come.

Blessings and peace

The Anchor Lyrics

In every season
In every change
You are near
In every sorrow
You are my strength
You are near
A peace in the storm
Your voice I will follow
In weakness I rise
Remembering You hold my world
I’m holding on to hope
I’m holding on to grace
I’m fully letting go
I’m surrendered to Your ways
The anchor for my soul
Father You will never change
I love You, I love You
My great Redeemer
My constant Friend
You are near
My faithful Father
You took me in
You are near
I will remember
Your promise forever
My Strength, my Defender
I can count on You
You are my Savior
My Hope and my Shelter
Your love is forever
I can count on You

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