Thursday, October 16, 2014


I think you all have realized by now I hear so much while listening to music.  I am finding this to be true of non christian music as well.  Recently I was watching Dancing with the Stars and heard the song Try by Colbie Caillat.  The song is such a beautiful reminder, especially to women, that we are beautiful just the way God made us.  It does not take perfect hair and makeup or the perfect body type to make us beautiful

I realize as I type this I am preaching to the choir as I can become very upset when my hair is not laying just so or is doing crazy things because of moisture and humidity, but I am learning that no mater how bad I think my hair is I am beautiful. I don't have to try and look or act perfect for people to like me I just need to be the special and unique person that God has created me to be.

If God created us so that no two thumb prints are alike why are we always comparing ourselves to others or trying to be like them?  I know I am guilty of this myself at times.  My personality can be a little reserved and quiet so when I meet someone who is outgoing and popular I can compare myself to them and wish I was like them and desire to have what I believe they have.  I can feel unloved and unaccepted because I am not like the person I am comparing myself to.  The truth is I am no surprise to God.  He knew the personality I would have and He knows how He can use it to draw others to Him.

The world would try and tell us how we need to look or act to be accepted.  The world would attempt to define what is beautiful and what is not, but only God can help us to see the true beauty in others.  If He can take an ugly caterpillar and turn it into an amazingly beautiful butterfly then I believe He can also help us to see the true beauty that is in others no matter how they look on the outside.  It is time for the body of Christ to stop seeing the negativity in others or the things they perceive that need to be changed and begin to see the beautiful treasures that God has created each of us to be.  Let us begin to call those treasures out of each other and begin to help each other rise into our true identities in Christ.  Let us begin to really love each other the way God intended.

Enjoy the song and lets start showing the world how to love God and the one in front of us.  Personally I am a little tired of them appearing to lead the way in this.


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