Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I know you will be shocked to hear from me twice in one week especially two days in a row.   Last week I was introduced to this wonderful worship song called Pursuit.  Every time I listen to this song I get the same urge to share this with everyone.  The song is totally about pursuing the presence of God.  This song resonates with me because I love God's presence and I desire to continually dwell with Him and to have His presence around and on me at all times.

As stated in my Abide blog we need to continually dwell with God and not just visit Him occasionally.  May this song bless you greatly and cause you to desire more of God and more of God's presence in your life.

Thanks for sharing Joanna.  Great news, two days after you shared I discovered our worship team at church is going to start learning this song!  All my Revolution readers get prepared, we are going to experience more of God in our services!!!  Yahoo!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Body (We are the Body)

Romans 12:4-8

The Message (MSG)
 4-6In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.  6-8If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.

If any of you are like I am you struggle with trying to determine what your part in the body is.  Your gifts and talents may not be obvious.  I know mine were not, yet everyone has something that they are good at. It has taken me many years to discover that I am the hand, I love to help and serve and support those in leadership.  I love to find ways to make their job easier.  Yet this gift while appreciated is not always front and center for everyone to see.  There is not a lot of recognition and glory in being the hand.  Its good to have one and you would miss it if it were gone but not everyone notices.  If you have a gift like that you may also struggle with the fact that sometimes you wish your part in the body was more front and center instead of behind the scenes.

Joyce Meyer provides an awesome illustration for this in one of her older messages.  In the message she used different parts of her body and described how they were jealous of other body parts and wished they could do the same.  Her eye wanted to be able to wear rings like the finger and be pretty and dazzling.  Her hand was jealous of the foot because it did not get to wear shoes.  At the end she is looking up at the ceiling with a ring over one eye and a shoe on one hand.  Basically the parts of the body were doing something they were not designed to do and she could not function.

It is the same with us.  If we are struggling to do something that God has not designed us to do because we want to be seen or we want recognition it will frustrate us and make us want to give up. My secret wish is that I could sing or play a musical instrument but if I tried to do either our worship at church would not be as anointed as it is today.  God gave me a great love of music but He did not give me either of the other abilities.  But it does not end there, because I am the hand, love music, and know a thing or two about computers God has allowed me to be part of the media team at church.  I love that position.  I feel like I am part of the music team even though I do not sing or play and He is has grown me in this area.  I had to learn how to use a Mac, for this PC gal that was a bit intimidating.

Please know that no matter how you feel God has given you gifts and talents.  He has created you for a purpose and He has great plans for you (Jer 29:11).  You may still be at a lose on what your part in the body is, just ask Him.  God is great to answer all our questions and He will lead you and direct you but be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone.  I have determined that if what God calls us to do is within our own abilities then we will try to take all the glory for what we did instead of giving Him the glory.  Trust me on this.  God has branched me out in more ways than the media team and many of the areas He has positioned me in require me to rely heavily on Him.

Please know when I first received this message from God, I did not have a song in mind.  Shocking I know!  But this morning God brought this song to mind and I believe it fits in perfectly with this.  If we all become who we were designed to be in God and in the body then imagine how great a witness the body would be for God.  How well we would represent His kingdom on earth.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Not Ashamed - Free Chapel

Today as I was cleaning and praying I was reminded that this blog was birthed from a book and not a song.
As I was reading Francis Chan's book Crazy Love it hit me that we celebrate many forms of love.  We celebrate love between a man and women, married and dating .   We celebrate the love between a parent and child.   We even have cards now that celebrate the love between an owner and their pet.   But how often do we celebrate the love between us and God?  Yes I know we have two holiday's; Christmas and Easter, but God's love is bigger than this.  I think every day we wake up we should celebrate God's love for us. 

As I was listening to the song by Free Chapel today called I'm Not Ashamed I thought the words were awesome.  We should dance and sing to God as if no one is watching!  We should praise him and pour out our love for Him with such extravagance!  We tend to give God our left overs and while He is satisfied with this His desire is for our first fruits.  When you wake up each morning before you get out of bed tell God you love Him.  In fact don't even wait for tomorrow morning tell Him you love him right now!  Just three little words I Love You!  Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by my love for God these words do not feel adequate.  I want to just wrap my arms around Him and never let go. 

Now that you have danced and sang like no one is watching and have poured out your love for God onto Him.  Start pouring out your love for God on others, especially those in the family of God.