Saturday, June 30, 2012


As the words to the Jesus Culture song go "we are hungry for more of you."  How hungry are you for God?  Do you feel you have enough of God in your life or do you cry out for more of Him?  Are you desperate for Him? Do you say as Moses did "unless you go with me God I will not go."

Psalm 42:1-2 states as the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you O God.  My soul thirsts for you God, for the living God.  When can I go and meet with God?  I know there is one version of this verse that states my soul thirst for you O God as in a dry and barren land where there is no water. 

I want to be that desperate for God in my life.  I want to always be filled but never satsified.  Crying out to God to fill me up with more and more of Him.  As I type this I fill physical hunger that is crying out to be satified yet the cry is soft enough I am able to ignore it and wait until a later opportunity to meet this need.  I never ever want to feel this way about hungering after God.  May I say at the beginning of the hunger pains God now, now I need you.  Now I need you to come to me, meet with me.  Fill me up God!!!  I want my hunger pains to become satisfied at the beginning, not when they are so overwhelming I think I cannot go on until they are filled.

Today may God increase your hunger and desire for Him.  May you cry out at the begining of the hunger pains yet truly never be satsified so that you constantly long for more of Him.  In fact allow God to be a river that flows through you.  He pours down on you from above as you pour out into others.  As I envision this God is showing me a waterfall coming down from heaven that falls on us and then goes out of us.

I love each and everyone of you that takes the time to read my blog.  I pray continually for all of you that you would know God itimately and that you would walk in complete freedom with Him.  May He fill you with His presence today and may you long for more of Him.  May you never reach a place of satisfaction in Him always longing for more.  O taste and see that the Lord is good.  Test Him and have him prove Himeself to you.  His word states that if you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you.  But watch out because when you do draw close God moves toward you at a faster rate then you move toward Him.  Truly amazing and totally overwhelming.  :)


  1. Did you hear the Bill Johnson sermon about hunger? Hunger gives us passion and helps us to dream. This is weird, everything you talk about on your blog, I've talked about on mine!!!

    1. Amazing how God works! :)
      I have not listened to this message yet but will do so soon. Have you read Bill's newest book Hosting the Presence? It is very good.

  2. No but it may be on our reading list for the year. I am on chapter 10 of "When Heaven Invades Earth."
