Friday, September 29, 2017

I Just Want to Worship

I just heard this song this week and it so captures my heart.  At times I have felt completely out of balance because all I want to do is sit at the feet of Jesus and worship Him and just be with Him. It is almost like He has taken me back to the garden where the two of us can be together always.  It is hard to learn how to "just be" in a world that is saying you need to do, do, do but it is possible because we really should not be doing until we have first learned to be.  It is from that place of being that we know God's heart and His purpose and design for each of us.  It is from this place of being that we learn to move and flow in His amazing love.  Think about it, before Jesus left us the command to go out and do He was first with Adam in the garden and all Adam had to do was just be with Him and worship Him.

My beloved One, You are pleasing beyond words, and so winsome!  Our resting place is anointed and flourishing like a green forest meadow bathed in light.  Song of Songs 1:16 TPT

Arise, my dearest!  Hurry my darling, come along with Me.  I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out!  For now is the time my beautiful one! Song of Songs 2:10 TPT

There is no better book in the bible to describe an intimate relationship with God than Song of Songs.  I have come to love reading this book to better understand the relationship God wants to have with each of us.

Take a moment to listen to this song, allow the words to wash over you and begin to give your all to Him, not just lip service but your whole being completely to Him.

Now is the time to awaken love! 

For you reach into My heart with one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love, My beloved one, My equal, My bride.  You leave me breathless - I am overcome by merely a glance from your worshiping eyes. And you have stolen My heart I'm held hostage by you love and by the graces of righteousness upon you. Your loving words are like honey to Me.  Drenched with worship your tongue releases milk and honey for I find the promised land flowing within you.  The fragrance of your worshiping love surrounds you with scented robes of white.  Song of Song 4:9,11

I just wanna worship

It’s all I wanna do

Will You fully inhabit

The song I sing to You

I just wanna worship

Lift my hands to You

Fully present in this moment

Fully given to You

For this I have been made

Locked in Your embrace

Covered in Your majesty

Here I have no need

I am truly free

Everything as it should be

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