Thursday, October 6, 2016

Your Promises (Elevation Worship)

Are you a participant or a spectator when it comes to worship?  Do you only consider worship as a service that happens on a Sunday morning during a church service?  Do you know that worship needs to be a lifestyle?  Do you know that when life's difficulties bombard you that it is worship that allows you to rise above the situation?
I love music and so many of today's songs contain wonderful reminders of God's promises.  I am very much of a lyrics person when it comes to worship songs.  I really don't want to sing about anything that does not line up with what God's word say or what God's word says about us.  That is why it breaks my  heart so much to hear songs sung in churches across america that speak to a weak minded mentality or ask for something that God's word says we already have.  I also do not care of fluff songs, songs that sound great on the radio but really do not say anything meaningful. I guess you can call me a worship song snob, not a great title I know but worship is so near and dear to my heart because it is through worship that we glorify our savior.  It is through worship that we can connect with Him, to see Him, and to hear His voice.
I love to consider the fact that in Heaven all we will do is worship Jesus (see Revelation 4:8) and during our worship we will not be distracted by various thoughts.  Our worship will be completely focused on the one we love and the one who loves us.  I wish I had that hear and I am growing in that but I can still be distracted by the clock, what needs to be done or my worship can be delayed because I cannot get my body out of bed early enough in the morning.  This past year I had a friend pass away who was a mentor to me when I was younger.  Her passing grieved me and I missed her greatly.  There were many if only moments the day I found out until the though hit me that she was with Jesus and she was worshiping Him and she was spending one on one time with Him with absolutely no distractions.  I must admit I was a bit jealous but it also helped me be thankful for the time I was able to know her here on the earth and I knew she was in an amazing place.
So because God speaks to me through music so much I would like to begin sharing with each of you some of the truths and promises various songs bring to me.  It is my hope and desire that we can go on this journey together of learning to worship Him more and draw closer to Him.  It is my desire that we can grow in our intimacy with our creator.  I do want to add I know that worship is not just singing a song, it is a heart attitude, but it is through music that we tend to express the most our worship and adoration to God.
The below song is by Elevation Worship and is calle Your Promises.  It speaks to me that when you are going through a storm in your life you don't have to focus on the storm you only have to focus on God and His promises.  He will never fail you, He will never forsake you, and there is nothing that is going to take His love away from you.  You cannot mess up greatly enough that Jesus will not still love you.
What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. But that’s also why the world doesn’t recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he’s up to. But friends, that’s exactly who we are: children of God. And that’s only the beginning. Who knows how we’ll end up! 1 John 3 Message Bible
Remember always You are a child of the Most High God and you are greatly loved.  God is for you!!!!
Your Promises

When the weight of the world begins to fall
On the Name of Jesus I will call
For I know my God is in control
and His purpose is unshakable
Doesn't matter what I feel
Doesn't matter what I see
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me
Now I'm casting out all fear
For Your love has set me free
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me
As I walk into the days to come
I will not forget what You have done
For you have supplied my every need
And Your presence is enough for me
Doesn't matter what I feel
Doesn't matter what I see
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me
Now I'm casting out all fear
For Your love has set me free
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me
You will always be more than enough for me
You will always be more than enough for me
Nothing's gonna stop the plans You've made
Nothing's gonna take Your love away
You will always be more than enough for me
Doesn't matter what I feel
Doesn't matter what I see
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me
Now I'm casting out all fear
For Your love has set me free
My hope will always be
In Your promises to me

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