Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Learning to Love

Have you learned to love? This question continues to play in my spirit. Have I learned to love the amazing God I serve? Have I learned to love the one He places in front of me? Have I learned to love the one that annoys me? The one that doesn't look good? The one that doesn't smell good? Have I learned how to love and see people how He sees them? I know the answer to most of these questions is no. I still allow my fears and insecurities to hold me back.  I allow what others think about me to place a reserve on me so I do not worship God with complete abandonment and freedom.

David danced and praised God so exuberantly that he danced right out of his clothes.  He became extremely undignified in front of everybody as he just let loose in his praise for his great God.  May I become more like that!  May I begin to praise God with complete abandonment.  May I become extremely vulnerable before God and with others.  May I learn to love and see people like He sees them.  May the very cry of my heart continually be more and more and more of you so that when others touch me the Holy Spirit would just ooze out of me.

May we learn to love God more each and every day and may we learn to completely love the one in front of us as He loves them.

Be blessed and encouraged today as you continually draw nearer to God.

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