Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beautiful - Remind Me Who I Am

Recently I was shown the video for the new Dove Commercial.  In the commercial a woman enters the room and is asked to describe herself to an artist that never looks at her.  He proceeds to draw the portrait of the woman based off of her description.  Once he is finished she leaves and another individual enters the room.  The second person has meet the woman who just left and they too are asked to describe her to the artist.  He begins a second portrait of the woman based off the second individuals description.  Once complete the two portraits are placed side by side and the woman returns.  When she views the two portraits it is obvious which one is based on how she sees herself and which one is how others see her.  In every case the woman realizes how truly beautiful she is.

Now imagine that you were asked to do the same thing.  You enter the room describe yourself to the artist and a portrait is created.  Now instead of another person coming in after you God enters the room, sits down and starts describing you to the artist.  How truly different would the portraits be?  I am sure the portrait of me that is based off of God's description will differ greatly from the one based off of my description.

It is so much easier for us to see the bad and believe the negative then to see the good and believe the positive.  As I have stated in a previous blog, God created us in His image and when He looks at us He calls us His creation good.  Who are we to call His creation bad?

Instead of seeing your flaws and short comings ask God how He sees you?  Gaze long and hard at that portrait until you see yourself the same way.  Everything may not be perfect and you may even feel overwhelmed at times but know that God has it all covered.  Allow Him to fill you with His peace, joy, and assurance.  Know as well that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You are beautiful a true master piece!

I have attached the link to the video and below that I have Jason Grays song Remind Me Who I Am.  Daily allow God to remind you who you are to Him.


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