Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Matt Redman

Today I read online that the worlds ugliest woman was buried. The headline was enough to capture my attention as I wondered why anyone would deserve such a title.  The woman actually lived in the 1800's and because of some medical defects that gave her an ape like appearance and facial hair the world deemed her the ugliest woman.  The man who married her exploited her in a carnival freak show and even her son who lived a matter of days was embalmed and exploited because he too bore his mother's defects.  When she died her body continued to remain part of the freak show until someone 150 years later said enough was enough and it was time for her to be buried.

The point of this story is no matter what this woman looked like she was created in God's image.  To Him she was His beautiful creation, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!  I first heard the song Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Matt Redman in October at a women's encounter.  I loved the song because it so greatly illustrates Psalm 139.  

We are so fearfully and wonderfully made!  We are all made in God's likeness, in His image.  How can we call something ugly that is supposed to reflect what God looks like?  How can we look at our flaws and maybe the things we most dislike about ourselves the most and not see the beautiful one that God created?  When God looks at us He sees a beautifully wonderfully created being.  Begin to see yourself as God does.  Stop looking at the flaws and failures and begin to live your life fully for Him.

Because I use music so much in this blog I was disappointed that I could not find the song anywhere on YouTube so I created my own video and received permission from the record label to post online.  I hope you enjoy my first attempt at creating my own video's. 

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