Saturday, January 12, 2013

It is good (Matthew West & Leigh Nash

I love spending time with my sisters in Christ.  Every time we get together I am inspired.  And no matter what I feel God has laid on my heart to share in this blog it seems to get changed after we meet.  This morning during our time together we watched the video The Story.  If you have not watched it I highly recommend, such an uplifting encouraging video that brings the Bible to life in such beautiful visual imagery with wonderful music.  All the songs touched and moved me and to be honest I could possibly post a blog about each of the songs but since you probably do not want to read 13 blog posts back to back I chose one.   For now!  I can make no promises for later. 

The song by Matthew West and Leigh Nash Good put to music the story of Adam and Eve.  Throughout the song one phrase continued to be song:  "it is good."  As I listened to the song and heard the phrase "it is good" over and over I was reminded that everything God created He called good.   When I think of God creating man and woman in His own image and calling it good then how can I look at myself and declare what is not good.  How can I allow the negative hurtful words of my past or present be thought or spoken over my life by me?  I know I cannot control others but I can control what I think or say, so why am I declaring words over my life that do not line up with what God says?

If negative words have been spoken over you and you have dwelt on that negativity then today begin to see yourself as God does because He has said it is good.  I know this is a daily walk in my own life.  It is not an easy path to begin to see yourself as God does because we have believed the lie far too long.  Know that you are loved and chosen by a great, mighty, and powerful God.  God looks at us, with His eyes shining full of love, and He says it is good!

Below are the words to the song.  Read them before watching the video below.  They are so powerful.  As humans we want to rewrite history, we want to change out past and make it all sparkling and new but no mater how painful our past God has used it to shape and mold us into the people He wants us to be.  I may still have many lessons to learn and stuff to overcome but with God at my side I can do it because He has looked at me and declared it is good.  Not only does God sees us as good but He loves us with a love that is so powerful and overwhelming.  Just rest in that love today.  Know that God outrageously loves you and He has said it is good!

If I could, I'd rewrite history
I'd choose differently; if I could, I would
I'd leave out the part where I broke Your heart
In the garden's shade, fix the mess I made
If I could, I would

If I could, close my eyes and then
Dance around again; if I could, I would
Be who You adored, why did I need more?
When beauty was not trained to hide behind my shame
If I could, I would.

Can You hear us cry?
Wishing we could turn back time
To feel Your breath when branches move
Take one more sunset walk with You
Must each tomorrow hold
Such brokenness untold?
Can't imagine how You could
See all of me and say it's good

If I could hold one memory
It would surely be how You walked with us
I'd go back in time, untell my first lie
And let love's injury heal in spite of me

Can You hear us cry?
Wishing we could turn back time
To feel Your breath when branches move
Take one more sunset walk with You
Must each tomorrow hold
Such brokenness untold?
Can't imagine how You could
See all of me and say it's good
Say it's good

It is good. It is good.
You still love us more than we believed You could
Could there be something more?
Will it ever be the way it was before?

Can You hear us cry?
Wishing we could turn back time
To feel Your breath when branches move
Take one more sunset walk with You
Must each tomorrow hold
Such brokenness untold?
Can't imagine how You could
See all of me and say it's good

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