Saturday, November 10, 2012

Testify To Love

Today I spent time with my beautiful sisters in Christ.  We spent the morning just fellowshiping and loving each other but we also spent time sharing testimonies on how we have changed from a year ago.  During this time of reflection and sharing I started to realize a common theme in the all the messages.  Each woman  has felt isolated, unloved, unworthy.  Each of us longed to discover our worth and value.  What in the world were we placed on this earth to do? 

As the stories unfolded another theme started to arise.  It is the theme of God's faithfulness.  When we cry out to God He is so amazing to answer each of us right where we are.  One after another began sharing on how faithful God was to show them their worth and value.  He was faithful to help them realize where they are weak He is strong!  He was faithful to bring healing and deliverance at a time when it was most needed.

I am beginning to realize that as women we all struggle with accepting and liking ourselves.  We all struggle with discovering what we are good at and what we were destined to do.  The good news is we do not have to struggle.  God is faithful and just to speak to us in our time of greatest pain and need.  If you are asking yourself what good am I?  What am I here to do?  Stop asking the questions and just begin to focus on God and begin declaring how wonderful He is.  As you gaze at Him, He is so good to reveal the answers to the questions you have been seeking.  But be prepared for what He tells you because it will totally blow your socks off!

To finish as I listened to the last woman share today I glanced over at a beautiful flower arrangement and the thought went through my head that the arrangement had all the colors of the rainbow.  That is when I realized that each of us is a Testimony of God's love.  We need to begin to testify to love, His great love towards us.

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