Tuesday, June 23, 2015

You are Precious in His Sight

"Red and Yellow, Black and White they are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Who remembers singing this song when you were young?  God brought this song back to me the other day to remind me how precious and unique we are to Him.  We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and we can all learn something from those around us.  Are you weak in relationships?  I bet God has placed someone in your life that is great at relationships in order to show you how to grow stronger in this area.  I know He has for me.

The other day I was dwelling on this and I realized how great a group of people God has surrounded me with.  Some are great at outreach, their boldness is amazing and challenges me to come up higher in this area.  Some are great at seeing the needs of others, physical or not, and praying for them every chance they get.  Some are amazing intercessors.  Still others are amazing worshipers.  I am thankful for each of them.  We are called to do life together, not by ourselves.  So today begin celebrating the strengths you see in those around you.  Encourage that person, support them, speak life to them.  Step out in a greater level of boldness as you go about your business today.  Ever heard the phrase actions speak louder than words?  Show someone the love of Jesus, this could be a smile or an act of kindness.  Get creative and just open yourself up to all the good God has in store for you.

Stop looking at the negative!  Stop looking at the storm!  Stop looking at what you are not or how far you still have to go and just begin looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.  Allow Him to mold and shape you into the person that He has created you to be and remember above all else He loves you and is for you!!!!