Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We Will Not Be Shaken - Trust

So then, my soul, why would you be depressed?  Why would you sink into despair?  Just keep hoping and waiting on God, your Savior.  For no matter what, I will still sing with praise for living before His face is my saving grace.  Ps 42:5 TPT

Then I will say to my soul, don't be disturbed, for I fully expect my Savior-God to break through for me.  Then I'll have plenty of reasons to praise Him all over again.  Yes, living before His face is my saving grace.  Ps 43:5 TPT

Through Your glorious Name and Your awesome power we ca push through to any victory and defeat the enemy.  Ps 44:5 TPT

It is so cool how these scriptures line up, twice the author had to remind himself not to be downcast because of His circumstances and situations.  Twice he knew that God was going to come through for him and bring the victory and then in the third verse he reminds himself where the victory comes from.

Hope and trust are two words I am hearing and seeing a lot lately.  I sense and feel such hopelessness within the body of Christ lately including myself.  We are we hopeless?  Why are we not putting our hope and trust fully in God?  Why are we not standing upon and claiming the promises of God?

I believe some of the reason can be found in Proverbs 13:12; a hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of live.  One of the words I have heard recently on hope is that it is not a wish that we hope would happen but it needs to be an eager anticipation of what God will do in that situation.  Sounds pretty easy to me but I think sometimes we get a little weary of the process we must go through to see God come through in our situations.  Our emotions get involved as we see the problem and situation remaining the same.  We begin to give up on God and the fact that He is still who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do.

This is where trust comes in.  When we put our hope in God alone no matter how long the process is we can trust that He has not changed and He will do what His word declares.  Personally it helps build my faith when I declare that word over the situation.  It also reminds God of His promises, not like He forgets but I think He just likes for us to tell Him what He said.  Maybe it shows we are paying attention to His word and His promises.  I mean hello God promised to prosper us in all our ways and I sure like to remind Him of that promise.  Does this mean I want God to shower tons of money down on me?  No!  I just want Him to give me more than enough in my finances that I can meet all my financial needs, advance the kingdom, and be a financial blessing to others.  I also want Him to prosper me in other areas as well such as my relationships.  This is just one example of a promise that is in His word that we can remind Him about.

So trusting God is key to building our faith and our hope.  Life is full of many troubles but Jesus told us to take heart because He has overcome the world. Speaking His word and His promises over our situations helps keep our focus on Him or as the psalmist says "living before His face" and not on the situation or problem.  When we remain steadfast and secure in Him then whatever life may bring our way will not shake or move us as we rest secure in Him.

So put all of your hope and trust in God today and allow the peace of God to settle over you as you allow Him to bring you the victory.

At the end of the month Bethel will release a new cd with a song titled We Will Not Be Shaken. Since God speaks to me a lot through music this song has been my anchor during my time of unemployment.  A couple of places in scripture that go so well with this song are Is 54:10 and Ps
My prayer for each of you is that you will find your hope in God alone and not allow your situations and circumstances to bring despair, defeat, and agony.  Lift your eyes to the hills from where you help comes from, your help comes for the Lord the maker of heaven and earth.

"We Will Not Be Shaken"  Lyrics

For we trust in our God
And through His unfailing love
We will not be shaken,
We will not be shaken,
We will not be shaken

Though the battle rages
We will stand in the fight
Though the armies rise up against us on all sides
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken

For in the hour of our darkest day
We will not tremble, we won’t be afraid
Hope is rising like the light of dawn
Our God is for us He has overcome

All those against Him will fall

For our God is stronger

He can do all things
No higher name we can call
For Jesus is greater
We can do all things