Monday, September 8, 2014

Passion (Yield My Heart to You - Kim Walker Smith)

This week I received some sad news that totally rocked my world and world of others I know.  The news brought great sadness and will bring about a change in the lives of all those affected.  Personally I was not ready for that change, I liked how things were and how they were going.  I am sure others felt the same way.  Even has I tried to be encouraging and supportive I was hurting on the inside and many tears were shed over the situation.  God finally got to a point with me when He said that is enough!   The time for mourning has passed and it is now time to rejoice.  After all it was not about what was lost but about what was and will be gained.

I realized as sad as the news was it had brought all those affected into a place of transition.  A place that would cause us to seek God as we have never sought Him before.  A place where we all would need to become totally dependant on God so He could help us each to step into the destinies He has prepared for us.  To take us to deeper and more intimate levels with Him. A place where we would become more passionate about Him.

We were not to worry about the future because the future is in His hands and He had everything under control.  Jeremiah 29:11 states that God knows the thoughts and plans He has for us.  The plans are to give us a hope and a future.  Personally I made the decision to not get into worry or fear over the future.  I will not get into worry or fear over what is currently happening or how the situation looks.  I will stand fast and continue to pursue the one who loves me.  I will learn to become more passionate about Him.

Many of you know I love to read and that I have the perfect job for this love because I work with books.  God recently placed in my hands the new book by Heidi and Rolland Baker called Learning to Love.  I just finished the first chapter and totally love the book.  At the end of the first chapter Heidi describes a life of passion that I would love to share with you because it was this that God used to bring this blog topic about.

Here is what Heidi says about passion:   "Scripture says love the Lord Your God with all your mind.  We are called to love God with every fiber of our being.  To love God with every part of you = passion.  We need to determine to live a life abandoned to His love - a life made up of passion.  Decide to change the worst for the best, darkness for light."

And Philippians 3:7-8 went along with this excerpt.
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for who sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ.  Phil 3:7-8

I want this passion in my life.  I want to learn how to live in total abandon with God, to not worry about what is going on around me or what the future holds.  To be honest this post was met with a lot of technical resistance.  It got so bad a some points where I almost gave up and thought maybe I would try later or another day.  As I worked through the frustrations and maintained my peace everything started to get better.  A few problems continued to persist and I just started laughing and they too stopped.

Real peace and joy can only be found in Jesus.  We must learn to do as stated and learn to love God with every part of our being.  We need to fall more deeply in love with Him every day.   Start today to begin living a life of passion.  It may require some intentionality on your part but it will become easier as you begin to know the one who loves you more.

Yield your heart to Him today and know that no matter what comes or what happens He has it all covered.  Yes I may still be sad over the news because it brought about change I did not want but I know it will also bring a good change and others will begin to step into the destinies that God has placed on their lives.