Friday, July 4, 2014

All is For Your Glory

Happy 4th of July.  Let freedom reign in your heart and lives as you go after more of God.

Yesterday as I listened to All is for Your Glory by IHOP's Cory Russell the words of the song started coming alive in me.  We are all made for the Glory of God.  He designed us to be a vessel that He could fellowship with and work through.

He also designed each and everyone of us for His great purpose and plan.  Dear one, not all of us have a noticeable talent that can be used to glorify God but He did give us all gifts, talents, and abilities to glorify Him and serve Him.   Maybe you have a beautiful smile that you can share with everyone you come in contact with!  Maybe your talent is serving or ministering.  Whatever it is do it all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).

So may we live our lives for God's Glory, may we be caught up in God's story for our lives and may He be our joy and our delight.  His plans and designs for you are for your good, to prosper you, and to give you a future and a hope.  Enjoy going after more of God and living your life for His Glory! 

Peace and abundant blessings.