Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bryan & Katie Torwalt - I'm a Lover of Your Presence (Live @ JCEncounter...

When God speaks to you, do you ever feel as if the record is stuck in the same place and the same phrase is repeated over and over again?  That is how I have felt lately and it is not a bad thing either.  The one word I continue to hear God speak to me is love.  He speaks words of love to me personally and He speaks words of love about His bride the church.  As I continue to hear His love declarations to me my hearts cry is for others to hear these love declarations as well.  I long for the church to know how great His love is and to learn how to show that love to others.  If we do not receive His great love for us how can we in turn love those around us?

To experience all the greatness of God we must learn to put Him first, to seek Him, and to spend quality time with Him.  We must learn to not allow the distractions of this world to drag our attention and focus away from God.  This weekend Holy Spirit has been showing me how important He truly is.  I have many things to get done in preparation for a business trip I will be going on soon but it paled in comparison to my hunger and desire for more of Him. As I allowed my Mary spirit to take over Holy Spirit and I experienced some sweet, sweet time together.  In all my years of following after God I have never experienced anything as great as this and I am praying it only gets better from here.  Will everything get done that needs to be done?  Yes, but now the stress will not be present because I am so overwhelmed with the presence of God that is all I am aware of.  He has become my focus and I am so undone by how truly wonderful He is.  If our earthly worship of God can be this great and amazing how much more will we experience when we are in heaven face to face with the one we love?  The very thought of it undoes me!  I am sure I cannot even imagine how great it will be. 

Today may you realize that all you really need to is love.  Begin to allow God to pour His love out on you.  Begin to take steps towards Him because as you take small steps towards Him He will begin to take giant steps towards you.  May you truly learn what it means to become a lover of His presence.

Allow me to share the words of a spontaneous worship song from Bethel Church... I don't want to talk about any other lovers, your the only one there will be no others for me now, no others for me now.  May we only know God and God only as our lover.